Futur en Seine Makes connections that matter
Innovation is the heart and soul of Futur en Seine, a festival based on the conviction that digital transformation is a collective challenge. By bringing together entrepreneurs, major companies, research labs, institutions, public authorities and users, it injects vital energy into the French and international ecosystem.
Three days of business encounters and events with original formats will allow you to: 1/ Learn more about tomorrow’s technologies and their champions, 2/ Meet tech and finance partners, 3/ Discuss pressing issues with the professionals that are redefining the workplace.
Futur en Seine uses the Swapcard networking app to facilitate business contacts. Create your account now! That way, you can get in touch with other participants, sign up for events and consult the festival’s program of business events. Once you have withdrawn your Business pass (“Pass Pro”), you will automatically* have access to the Future en Seine module in Swapcard, allowing you to check the program and effectively network !
*Please use the same email address for registering to the festival and creating your Swapcard account, so as to be recognized by the app.
By getting involved in Futur en Seine, you will be able to:
Boost your business | Expand your network | Meet with international delegates | Do festive networking |
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Thursday 8 June – Grande Halle de la Villette
Held for the third time as part of Futur en Seine, the Axis Cap Digital Investors’ Convention has start-ups encounter international investors via roundtable discussions, pitch sessions and networking. This year, around twenty French and international start-ups in cutting-edge sectors (e.g. artificial intelligence, FinTech, cyber security, Big Data & IT and Connectivity & IoT) will be in attendance.
For registration and program details, go to: www.axiscapdigitalparis.com
Get a 20% discount with the code ACDP20CAP
8-9 JUNE – Villette Makerz (Folie des Merveilles L5)
Investors, business angels, corporates: join our business pitch sessions to discover Cap Digital’s selection of the best French and international start-ups in 6 categories.
Thursday 8 June – Villette Makerz (Folie des Merveilles L5)
10.00-12.00: Pitch #Smart City (FR)
In collaboration with avec EuroQuity (Bpifrance)
14.00-15.30 Pitch #Creative industries (FR)
In collaboration with Angel Square, Créatis, 104factory (CENTQUATRE-PARIS) and LINCC (PARIS&CO/Cargo)
16.00-17.30 Pitch #Retail (FR)
In collaboration with members of the Retail French Tech network.
Friday 9 June – Villette Makerz (Folie des Merveilles L5)
10.00-12.00 Pitch #E-Health (EN)
In collaboration with France eHealthTech and Réunion French Tech
14.00-15.30 Pitch #Work (EN)
In collaboration with Le LabRH
16.00-17.30 Pitch #Education (FR)
In collaboration with SchooLab and Startup For Kids
For investors, business angels and corporates only. On invitation (limited seats capacity)
Friday 9 June – Grande Halle de la Villette
Year after year, Futur en Seine gathers the digital innovation ecosystem – large companies, public authorities, researchers, investors and entrepreneurs – to explore digital transformation. Top French executives are invited to share their vision on digital transformation: incentives and support to innovation, collaborative strategies to tackle contemporary challenges (energy, health, changing world of work…)
FRIDAY 9 june – grande halle de la villette
For the first time this year, Futur en Seine hosts a new interactive format: the reverse pitch. Large companies will pitch their innovative projects to convince the best talent to join their team.
Meet&Match @ Futur en Seine (EN)
Thursday 8 June – Folie des fêtes (N6)
Looking for business, technological or R&D partners, active in the digital economy? Get registered on the B2Match platform for your B2B meetings and find new business and partners according to your needs! Register from now and until 25 May on www.b2match.eu/futur-en-seine
Dedicated to digital industry professionals, this matchmaking event will allow you to:
- Find and meet potential partners from Europe and beyond,
- Expand your international network,
- Initiate cross-border contacts and cooperation,
- Schedule meetings
An initiative by Enterprise Europe Network, Paris Île-de-France Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Paris Region Entreprises.
Creative industries Meetup (EN)
Friday 9 – Le Cargo – 157 Boulevard Macdonald, 75019 Paris
Demonstrations, presentations and networking will lift the veil on the latest innovations in immersive technologies. Cap Digital invites all parties active in the creative and cultural industries to come find inspiration as well as partners for future projects. Five immersive innovation solutions for different creative sectors (e.g. film, video games, music, culture and fashion) will be presented. This event is being organized within the context of Vital Media, a support action project under the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Union. Register to the event, identify potential partners of interest and schedule your bilateral meetings on the NEM Vital Media collaboration platform: http://bit.ly/2oh9YgK
International stage (EN)
Thursday 8 – Le Hall de la Chanson
International delegations from Mexico, Germany, Hungary and Australia, among others, will be touring their respective countries and presenting the opportunities open to French start-ups. The founders of stand-out start-ups or corporates will be on hand, as well as officials from economic development agencies.
10.30 -13.00: Germany’s Smart Locations Workshop (German Trade And Invest). Inscriptions: http://www.gtai.com/fes2017
13.30-13.50 : Scale up Marocco (Maroc Numeric Cluster)
15.00-15.50: Scale-up: Central and Eastern Europe (Hungarian National Trading House MNKH)
16.00-16.20: Scale-up: Australia (Investment Attraction South Australia)
16.30-17.20: Scale-up: Mexico (Inadem)
17.30-18.05: Scale-up Middle East (Barhain Economic Development Board)
Friday 9 JUNE – Le Cargo – 157 Boulevard Macdonald, 75019 Paris
Round tables, best practice-sharing and networking will bring to light how excellence clusters promote competitiveness and cross-border cooperation. Cap Digital invites you to meet representatives of clusters from all over Europe, so you can better understand their role and impact on the economy. This event is being held within the context of the CECIL project financed by the European Commission via the COSME program.
Free access on registration: https://www.weezevent.com/inter-clustering-event-futur-en-seine
Wednesday 7 June: International Party, Cap Digital (14 rue Alexandre Parodi, Paris 10)
invitation only
Thursday 8 June: Futur en Seine Opening Party (Grande Halle de la Villette)
invitation only
Saturday 10 June: Futur en Seine Closing Party
invitation only
DJ sets open to everybody at La Petite Halle de La Villette during the whole festival. And more to come!